Bernard Chomba, Deputy Principal


Receive very warm greetings from St Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School, Nairobi. It has been five months since schools closed here in Kenya due to the raging COVID-19 pandemic. This has been a period which has been given a lot of names but here at St Al’s, we are super grateful for COVID-19. Yes, this may sound insensitive, but the virus has given our students and other members of our community the opportunity to continue to live the school motto: To Learn, To Love and to Serve.

To Learn: There is no hope of opening schools until January 2021. This also translates to nullification of the academic year 2020 -not very good news among our students who hoped to clear their academic year and move to the next. We have continued to urge our students to make lemonade from the lemons thrown their way by COVID-19. To keep them abreast academically, every month teachers have been preparing take away assignments to be done at home. These assignments are marked and written feedback given to students. 

To Love: Clearly St Al’s is a School of Love.  Personally, since I came to know of St Al’s in the year 2009, I see no other learning institution that compares with this school in terms of charity. Over the years, there have been outstanding instances which have put into practice this virtue. COVID-19 has given us yet another opportunity to demonstrate to the whole world what St Al’s is all about: LOVE. And this manifests itself in the third part of our school Motto: Service.

To Serve: Service to humanity is service to God. Mother Teresa of Calcutta says, “The fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is Love, the fruit of Love is Service, the fruit of Service is Peace.” By end of August 2020, we will have issued out the 10th food package to our students. This has been a critical act to these families who are under many threats due to the pandemic. And to all our benefactors who have made this possible, we remain forever very grateful.

We have been receiving feedback from students whose colleagues in other schools have been noting that St Al’s is the only school that is alive during this pandemic. We have been presented with an opportunity to unleash our full potential. Indeed, this has been a School of Hope.

school hope