Schools Reopening

On the October 12th, the gates of all Kenyan schools were reopened for the 12th grade (form 4), 8th grade and 4th grades students to resume learning as part of the government’s partial reopening of schools. The news was welcomed by the majority of parents and students who were anxious that school year 2020 would be lost.

St. Aloysius, just like hundreds of schools, welcomed back the Form 4 students and all of the teachers. We are thankful that none of the students reported to have had their families or loved ones directly infected by COVID-19.  Knowing too well the challenges that the students have faced in the midst of the pandemic, school staff formed a Psychosocial and Spiritual Support Committee to help students process their experiences. The School Nurse reviewed COVID-19 management and prevention guidelines and measures with the students to support their healthy stay in school.  The Social Worker conducted a social assessment with each student to identify their needs, concerns, and fears about coming back into the school, and all students continue to have one-on-one discussions with the school chaplain and priests. This way, our students are able to find a shoulder to lean on. This support system will continue to be available to the students as long as the pandemic is with us. The school has also continued to provide food support to all the students.

The academic program has been adjusted to allow teachers to spend slightly more time with students as a way of recovering time lost during the lockdown.  We are pleased to see that our students are very optimistic and motivated to take advantage of the peace and tranquility to focus on their studies so that they are prepared to take their national exams in March/April 2021.   At St. Aloysius, we are so grateful for your support which allows us to be ready and available to support our students when they need help, in keeping with our motto “to learn, love and serve.”

school hope